Our Wedding Dance Packages

Classic Package (guaranteed)
Our Commitment to Your Perfect First Dance: We understand the importance of your first dance, and we stand by the quality and personalization of our instruction with a unique guarantee.

Bride in a Rush
We understand, life happens and things don't always go as planned. We will create a basic Wedding Dance in 3 (forty-five minute) lessons for: you and your fiance.

It's a Family Dance!
Mom and Dad have been the most important people in your life for many, many years. Your wedding is a time to love, honor and include them in a very personal way.

Wedding Dance Rescue
We see it too often; couples struggling with choreography that really doesn’t suit their style and, or body types. Worse still, we see couples doing dips, spins etc., in a way that puts both themselves and their partner at risk of injury. Do you really want to risk getting a pulled back, sprained shoulder or wrist just before (or, shock, DURING) your wedding??

The Bride and Her Dress
You have the perfect dress, but can you dance in it? Seriously. the last thing you want is to find that out during your First Dance, right?